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GPS Tomtom > Mes plugins > NMEALogger

NMEALogger v2.0 (Download)

Version française

Version 2.0

This version works with all Tomtom navcores versions. It also provides a new functionality which allows to see, in real time, the received frames.

How to install NMEALogger ?

NMEALogger can not be installed with Tomtom Home because it is not known as a Tomtom software.

Proceed as follows to install it :

  • Download it by clicking here
  • Save the file on your computer
  • Open it by double-clicking it or with an archive software like Winzip. You'll find the following content (with nmealogger instead of tripmaster) :

  • Extract all the files on the root directory of your Tomtom, after connecting it to your computer :

  • If you are using Tomtom v8.350 navcore, you must also install this program by following these instructions
  • Then, you can disconnect your Tomtom and reboot it. In the main menu, you'll find the NMEALogger icon. Click on it to launch the application.


NMEALogger : : running in decoding mode NMEALogger : running in normal mode
NMEALogger : parameters setup screen NMEALogger : setup parameters have been saved


NMEALogger allows you to record NMEA frames as they are received by Tomtom. NMEA frames are recorded in /nmealogger directory in a file called nmea_nnnn.nmea, where nnnn goes from 0000 to 9999.

You may also choose to recorded the decoded frames, by selecting "Yes" for the "Decode frames" parameter.

If you choose the "Append" mode, all the records during a usage session are appended in the same file. If you choose the "New" mode, a new file is created each time the recording is started, even in the same usage session.

Add a NMEALogger icon to the Tomtom menu

If you've got the standard menu (eg. if you have no tomtom.mnu file on your disk), then one icon is added at the end of the main menu, as for any software with a .cap file in the /sdkregistry directory.

If you've got a tomtom.mnu file, you need to modify it to see the corresponding icon in your personalized menu. Add a line :

with "n" equal to the right number (between 1 and 9) for the corresponding /sdkregistry entry, depending of the number and order of .cap files in your /sdkregistry directory.

Versions history

Version 1.5 (Download)

This version fixes the scrambled screen problem, on Tomtom v7 application.

Version 1.4

With this version, the log files have got a .nmea suffix, so they can be easily recognized by NMEA frames analysis softwares. This version also fixes a bug, when a NMEA frame doesn't end by a Carriage-Return character.

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